Cr230 remote assistant
Cr230 remote assistant

We propose that early activation could become a standard procedure after a wider evaluation using a multi centric study. They also all appreciated to use their CR230 remote assistant that allows soft, daily and progressive increase of their master volume. All our patients were delighted to be able to hear as they were leaving hospital. We show that C-levels are at least reaching NRT levels one month after surgery. Results and Conclusions: None of our patient presented medical complications due to early magnet presence on the skin. NRT levels (peroperative) and C-levels (day 1, day 14, day 21 and day 28) were collected on 5 electrodes. From then, our fitting protocol was used (first visit 2 weeks after surgery). Usual post operative control visit, seven days after surgery, allowed to check if any side effects or complications occurred. We used NRT datas collected during surgery with the CR220 remote assistant Patients were told to increase Master Volume using their CR230 remote assistant every morning until they reach a comfortable hearing level.

#Cr230 remote assistant software#

This activation was done using the Nucleus Fitting Software for tablets in the patient's hospital room just before they left and went back home.

cr230 remote assistant

Material and Methods: Since September 2016, each adult patient implanted (21 patients) with a CI512 or CI532 cochlear implant received a cochlear implant fitting the very next day after their surgery.

cr230 remote assistant

  • Abstract: Objectives: The aim of this study is to show that an early cochlear activation (using the Nucleus Fitting Software on a tablet), one day after surgery, does not provide more complications than classic activation and allows to reach NRT (Neural Response Thresholds) levels, collected with the CR220 remote assistant during surgery, in less than a month by letting the patient use the Master Volume Control on his CR230 remote assistant.

  • Cr230 remote assistant